Workplace Workshops

Team Building + Employee Retention

Length of Workshop: 6 hours
Size of Group: 10-20 employees

This workshop focusses on team building, but not the kind that makes your eyes roll with cheesy activities. Through personal storytelling, the superficial and mundane tasks within your organization begin to have motive and excitement. Creating a space for individuals to share their stories enables spaces of connection and engagement, and allows all personnel (from the front line to the executive management) to break out of their professional titles into the beautiful and complex humans that connect and transform. Create healthier and more sustainable (not to mention cost effective) workplaces.

Strengthening Your Work Culture

Length of Workshop: 3-5 hours
Size of Group: 10-20 Employees

This workshop focusses on connecting the diversity of your workforce through empathy and understanding. With our ever-growing, globalized workforce story-telling will help build an internal work culture that fosters healthier and more sustainable workflow and processes. Gender, age, ethnic, collective, or individualistic identities don’t have to collide - they can connect. Transform the organizational culture into one that helps your organization be the most productive - because it put people first.

Make Your Data Memorable

Length of Workshop: 3 hours
Size of Group: 10+ employees

This workshop focusses on how to tell the right story using your data. All the tests, the focus groups, and the audits have been completed and the spreadsheets can either bore or inhibit your message. We’ll go through exercises to draw out the storylines that are flowing through the data, so that your product, organization or project can have the impact on stakeholders it needs to have. How you share your data is linked to the message that is heard.

Work Events + Retreats

Length of Workshop: Varied
Size of Group: 10+ Employees

Need to celebrate a product launch? Want to create a memorable evening at your next corporate dinner? Need a memorable experience at your next team retreat?

Consider the laughter and the memories made when people are challenged to share stories. Toasts about the department head. Eulogies of the technology that no longer exists (thank goodness). Flashbacks of the long nights at the office to write that business case. Make a space to celebrate the difficulties and victories as a team you’ve had to overcome. Everyone will remember your next company retreat or event, because everyone heard a story that made a difference for them.